Monday, June 13, 2005

Lindsey's Prayer Shawl: Adventures in Community, Part III

The difference is that everything starts with community for us. Instead of gathering a group of teenagers and separating them out to “get them done” in confirmation class, most of all of us will be on the journey with Lindsey, should she choose it. She will have several mentors and her experiences will happen in and be related directly to this community. I hope she will have certain conversations at this point in her life, instead of, like me, so much later on. I treasure for her the marvelous people she will get to know in her confirmation journey.

Lindsey’s confirmation experience will be different. Rodger is requiring she blog about what happens. I am going to be sure she has some hands-on face-to-face mission project development experience, but it’s really up to her. She decides when she’s “done.” Lindsey’s experience will grow, will emerge, from the heart of our community. It will not be some separatist hoop-jumping festival. It will challenge Lindsey’s mom to let go and to practice trusting Lindsey’s judgment. It will be an amazing journey when Lindsey’s spirit will weave together with the Holy Spirit.

Tonight I have finished Lindsey’s shawl. And you know what? I’m pretty good at binding off! The smiley beads are in place. They actually fall on the wearer’s back. The tassels are made of three shades of yarn. The one on the right front corner has a string of beads that spell out her name. I sure hope she likes it.

I am so excited about this journey for all of us in the Basement. If you are reading this on my blog, it means that Lindsey has decided to pursue a confirmation experience. As Snoopy proclaims in his gospel, “COWABUNGA!” Stay tuned.


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