If You Had Been There Last Night. . .
You could have eaten hotdogs and hamburgers. You would have been able to catch up with some folks that have been missing for a few weeks. You could have enjoyed a break from the heat in our nice, cool basement. You would have met Tim and Daisy (not their real names.)
There was a shared sense of awkwardness at first, but it lessened as conversation continued in the way it does when folks get acquainted with each other. A woven cloth sack held all their belongings. They were without funds or a place to stay. It was unclear whether they would still have jobs the next morning. They planned to spend the night in the park. They took us up on our offer of a meal.
The younger children sat with our guests and were their usual exuberant selves. I hope they weren’t overwhelming. I imagine all of us as a group WERE overwhelming. Daisy had grown up in Charlotte and connected with Rodger who was born here. I wasn’t surprised when the rival High School sports comments came up.
Just as I sensed a budding level of ease, they were gone. I wanted to do more, but they slipped into the dusk like the comfort of a cold drink at the end of a hot day’s work.
I hope we see them again. There will be more Tims and Daisys. It’s a given because our basement is in the middle of a large metropolitan area.
If you had been there last night, you would have been part of one of The Teacher’s lessons. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, befriend the lonely, free the captive. We’re all learning together.
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